Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Word Written on my Heart

Hope filled my lungs,
Oxidizing my blood,
Which ran to my heart,
And comforted my feet,
Which ached from the stones that had shouted their anger. 

Hope splashed onto my cheek on a lovely spring day,
Both surprising and delighting me,
For I knew it was the prayer of the flowers. 

Hope was the colored glass that broke up the monotonous light,
As it streamed through the church window,
And fell upon the folded hands of the beggars. 

Hope was the kiss of the lover,
That tempted the soul,
And whispered ideas of eternity. 

Hope looked me in the eyes,
Saw the color of my desire,
And etched its name into my heart.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Reasons for Starting a Blog

1. My brother told me to and he gets paid to write about Youtube videos, so he must have done something right.

2. I like writing, but I'm not famous yet, and why write if not for the glory?

3. People think I'm funny. They are always laughing with me and never at me. Sometimes they don't realize this.

4. I think it would be better if everyone knew things about me without having to tell them. It will hopefully slash the amount of small talk I engage in by half.

5. I remember things that people tell me about themselves, and then it gets awkward when they don't know things about me in return. This blog's mission is to fix that.

6. My first grade teacher read my short story to the class, and everyone clapped for me. I've had a hunger for applause ever since. Lady Gaga and I have some sort of connection.

7. I want to be a convincing liar because what is a storyteller if not a master of falsehoods.

8. If a storyteller is not a liar then they are full of truth. Those are the better storytellers. So here I will practice telling the truth.