Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Dalrymples 2015

An old picture from a family Christmas photo shoot in 2010. We haven't taken Christmas pictures since then.

Jim became a published author this year. He enjoys having his photography displayed in cool exhibits, and he thinks his children are very funny, especially Rachel. He thinks she is the most 

Anne is still flying a lot and wishes that she lived in Aruba where she would fulfill her dream of being a professional kite surfer.

Jimmy and Laura: Jimmy’s dream came true this year when William Shatner tweeted at him. He also was recognized by the president of France (as being that one reporter in the massive crowd of other reporters at the Global climate change talks). Laura is a flight attendant and a very aggressive Los Angeles driver. At least she was before the two of them sold their car (due to their deeply held belief that cars are the root of all evil).

Meggan enjoys taking pictures of Ryan H. in his convincing punk Santa Claus costume.

Ashley and Dave like their two already born kids and also their one almost born kid. Marla (already born kid) owns an imaginary pink house and Kellen (other already born kid) enjoys saying very speedy prayers. Everyone else also enjoys these prayers.

Shelly enjoys watching Rylan’s soccer games where he dominated all competition in order to become the All-Star of the All-Star team.

Ryan D. and Sheri got married this year. (It rained.) They enjoy being Seattle pizza aficionados and dream of running a miniature organic farm full of miniature animals.

This year Carrie and Josh took care of Scotty (their son who *spoiler alert* will one day grow up to invent the transporter which will redefine space travel). Coming soon: Their second child.

Mary enjoys speaking in hyperbole and being a pop culture expert. Her interests include anything that (actual genius) Lin-Manuel Miranda likes. Follow her on twitter @marydal23.

Rachel is good at asking interesting questions (commentary from Mary: More like you’re good at interrogating people endlessly), dancing (freestyle only), and writing family Christmas newsletters.

Chloe cares about BYU sports and getting free t-shirts on campus. She also loves Disney. In other words, she is a BYU freshman.

Davy has lots of friends. You might hear him described as a “cool guy” with a good sense of humor.

If you’d like to see pictures check the instagram hashtag #instadalrymple where we have a biweekly photo competition.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tips For People Who Hate Parties

In an ideal world, parties would never have more than eight people and all of those people would already know what all the other people are studying, what their hobbies are, and where they are from, so those questions would never be asked again. Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in. So, here are some tips for how to navigate those large social gatherings.

1. What are you supposed to do with your hands?

Even the best of us struggle sometimes.
People will want to shake your hand at functions like these. Though tempting, it is not acceptable to bring a large box to hold in order to avoid having to greet every new acquaintance with the touching of appendages. Just try to find something to hold, like a plate of appetizers, so your hands don't look so aimless floating around at the sides of your body.

2. How do you get out of a conversation that no one is interested in, but no one knows how to end?

This is where the plate of appetizers that is keeping your hands occupied (see #1) comes in handy. Try to always keep this plate empty, so at any moment you can say, "Shoot! I'm out of carrot slices!" Then walk away and never look back.

3.  How can you communicate with people when the sound level at the party is far above the recommended decibels for healthy hearing?

The guy that you thought just asked you if you wanted more soda is probably just from Minnesota, and maybe he really did say he liked your shirt, or maybe he said he is studying literature. Who can know? Does it matter? Just smile and nod. This will make it seem like you are aware of what is going on, while also showing that you are a happy person.

4. What should you talk about?

If you really want to skip right over the small talk, simply ask, "Do you consider yourself funny and intelligent?" This will help you know if this is a person you want to ever talk to again. Disclaimer: Party going people will likely find this question unsettling, but it is a short cut to either an interesting conversation or at least a speedy end to what would have been an immensely boring interaction.

If you'd like to attempt to engage in small talk, you can try to talk to people about their areas of interest. Here are a few conversation starters that the following groups of people are sure to respond to:

Hipsters (Recognizable by their unkempt hair, mustaches, and/or clothing that belongs in another century): What are your thoughts on the metaphysical world's influence on the recent rise in popularity of cassette tapes?

Outdoorsy people (recognizable by the Suburus they arrived in, chacos on their feet, and/or the multipurpose pocket knives they carry everywhere): "If I'm looking for an auto-locking, solar-heated climbing harness with a built-in water filter, what brand should I go with?"

Typically "cool" people (recognizable by their overly confident attitudes) "You smell good. Do you like making out?"

Hopefully, now you will feel a little more prepared next time you receive a Facebook event invite.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tips From a Perpetual 3rd-Wheeler

Trent+Kaliesha+Rachel <3

The first step is recognition: How can you tell if you're a third wheel?

Are the two people you are with holding hands? Are they also holding hands with you? If you answered yes to the first question and no to the latter, you might be third wheeling. But it can be hard to tell. Let me know if you master this one.

Next: Make sure that you are a valuable part of this relationship.

"Hey Rachel, we're going out tonight, just the two of us."
"But who will give you unbiased constructive criticism on how cheesy your jokes are?"
"You're right! You should come with us, please. Thanks for always having our backs!"

How do you know when it is time to leave them alone?

This is a tricky one, so you need to regularly ask, "Should I leave?" or "Are you sick of me yet?" or "Do you want me to go somewhere by myself to contemplate the meaning of loneliness?" If they say something along the lines of, "No...of course not....we'd love it if you stayed...." Then it is okay to stick around because they love your company. 
Jared + Lauren + Rachel = The 3 Amigos
(They approved this nickname--but don't ask them about it.)

When walking down the street, studying, or eating lunch with two friends who are in a relationship, how should you respond when people give you confused looks? 

First make eye contact. Hold the gaze of the confused stranger. Then with indignant enthusiasm shout, WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST POLYGAMY, HUH? (This will make them feel awkward and might spread misconceptions about your religion, but it will be worth it.)

Finally, what to do if they start being too affectionate in front of you:

A good trick that will get you out of this tight situation is to begin singing a catchy tune, quietly to yourself, so they think you don't notice. Then casually start dancing to your own song, and dance your way into the other room. No one's the wiser. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Crosswalk

They fell in love on opposite sides of the crosswalk. They were the only two waiting for the red hand to change to the walking man. They got glimpses of each other through the spaces in between the cars that rushed by on their way to dinner dates with too much small talk and loud parties with too little.

She thought he had an intriguing expression on his face, but perhaps it was just that she couldn't get a good look at it. He thought she looked curious. He imagined if she spoke, she would ask a question he didn't know the answer to. 

The light changed and they left their respective sidewalks. Her steps fell deliberately half on the white painted stripes and half on the asphalt. His accidentally fell with precision in between the painted lines. They reached the center of the street at the same time. She smiled. He returned it. They continued toward the opposite sides of the street. 

They fell out of love before their feet met the concrete of the sidewalk.